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Rozalind's Page


Please support the Cause......

The Breast Cancer Site

This is all the stuff I love, like, feel and ect.

My Children are #1 in my life,

  The are my breath, They are my blood, They are my light, They are my Life.

That is why each one has their own page, To show them off and Brag if you will on all of them. They are each very different and very unique in their own ways. 

Now the other things in life I enjoy,



Angelina Jolie And Pixies!!!!!





My many thanks to God....The first of course being my children.  I am so blessed and I want to Praise God, Mother Mary and myself for having faith in love, hope and dreams.  My dreams are not money or cars, clothes, jewelry, or a fancy house, my dreams are healthy, happy children, smiling everyday and laughing a lot.

 To EVERYONE who knows me and knows my name, I say to all of you, I am blessed to say thank you for being whom you are, either holding me up or waiting for me to fall.  Both sets of you have given me strength! 

Thank you God Lord Almighty for the Gift of all of my Children and the Honor of being their mother.  I must be pretty amazing in your eyes to grant me the most wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, caring and compassionate children ever given to a parent.  (Please visit their pages to see them). 

And Thank you to me.  I am here!!!  I am succeeding everyday, breathing and loving and living.  I am proud of me and proud I made it this far!

Have faith in God, he only can pull you through it all. 




"When your Searching your soul,

When your searching for pleasure,

How often that pain is all you find.

But when your coasting along,

And nobody's trying too hard

You can turn around and like where you are."

The Sundays




Shout Out to my Friend Sean Tiffany who is an incredible artist..
 go check him out as well!!

This is a picture that he did for me of That's right ME!!
Thanks Sean!!!!

I always Joke that there is a cartoon character that most  people see me as.  The actuality is a lot of these people don't know me at all.  If you knew me you would never try to judge me or speak ill of me or my family.  I wish I could erase that cartoon character, because I am tired of people confusing the two of us.  


Pink,  yes is "my signature color!"




Taurus and a Tiger.. Yeah I can be stubborn and mean!!!




I saw  sign like the one below in Minnesota,  However the picture was of course of an "illegal" portrayed as a pregnant woman, her son and younger daughter, maybe age 2. I thought it was Disgusting!!

My thoughts are as such on the matter.......................... 

Money,  Blood, Life, Death, Work, Taxes, Humor, Prejudice.  It is all over Dirt.  Really and Literally.  Yes I understand the impact on the United States. No I do not agree with one side or the other fully.  I see issues with both sides.  However I do Not believe people trying to improve their lives should  become felons, criminals, slaves, or target practice.  This land was not ours to begin with, why can't we make  it exactly what it was intended to be;

 "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Rosalind Russell, I was named after her and Candice Bergen.  Rosalind Russell died of Breast Cancer. 



For attractive lips speak words of kindness. For Lovely eyes seek out the good in people.  For a Slim figure share your food with the hungry.  For Beautiful hair let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.  For Poise walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.  People more than things have to be restored, renewed revived reclaimed and redeemed, never through out anyone.  Remember that if you ever need a helping hand you will find one at the end of each of your arms.  As you grow older you will discover you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others. .......

Beauty Tips by

Audrey Hepburn

The First Queen of Movies and Class!!!  Truly Elegant!

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